Baseball Bat With Cyber Monday Offers-Louisville Slugger S345 Maple Fungo Bat

Color Silver

Louisville Slugger S345 Maple Fungo Bat

The Louisville Slugger S345 maple fungo bat is a high quality fungo that will fulfill all your needs as a coach. As a coach, you need a fungo that can get the job done for you. Hitting ground ball after ground ball, then hitting constant pop ups takes a toll on your body. Not just coaches, it would take a toll on players bodies too. So, if you want to conduct a high level practice, you need this fungo. The maple they use to make this bat is amazing. Maple has a ton of pop and is incredibly durable. You will get great life out of this fungo bat for years to come. In the new series, they make this fungo in a ton of colors. So, if you want a bat that matches your team colors or just your own personal tastes, they have the color for it. They make this bat in natural and black, black and silver, royal and white, red and white, forest and black, and black. As you can see, with the six color ways in stock they have every option for you. As previously noted, the The Louisville Slugger S345 maple fungo bat is able to get the job done every time.

Louisville Slugger Fungo

The key to success with this Louisville Slugger fungo bat is its ability to last a long time. The longevity. So, in order to get the longevity out of this bat it needs some protection. Louisville Slugger has that in order with the Exo Armor Premium Hardcoat. This top coat is a very strong adhesive that will protect your bat. It will protect from scratches and small dents. For a fungo, this is vital. So, a strong top coat can help this Louisville Slugger fungo a lot. Model: WBL2708010